Our micropropagation laboratories are the excellence of Battistini Vivai: an exceptional starting point to produce healthy, top quality plants with particular technical features.
Battistini Vivai produces around 11 million rootstocks and own-root varieties.

This production technique, potentially applicable to any type of plant, brings many advantages, such as the fast and exponential production of high-quality plants that are all identical and, above all, healthy and safely exportable across the globe.
In vitro micropropagation or culture is a highly technological method of propagation. The process, carried out in the laboratory and in a sterile environment, uses the meristems, buds, apices or microcuttings (explants) of mother plants subject to genetic and health controls to obtain large quantities of healthy plants, all genetically identical to the original mother plants (cloning), quicker than with traditional propagation systems (root cutting, grafting, etc.).
In vitro propagation is based on the stimulation of axillary or secondary gems to achieve the highest rate of multiplication, and in the last step of the process induces the formation of roots. Once the cycle in the laboratory has been completed, the plants produced in vitro, which are extremely tender and delicate, must be acclimatised in a greenhouse, using seed trays filled with peat moss, so that they can harden and later be transplanted into pots or placed in a nursery.

Battistini Vivai serves a number of production lines, guaranteeing high quality basic products.
The nursery is a long-standing and reliable partner of several companies in the food and non-food sectors, for which it produces specific varieties of various plant species on demand.
With our extensive in vitro culture experience, we develop protocols to obtain large quantities of plants identical to the basic product selected by the customer.
Our staff is at your disposal to develop innovative projects and devise the best solution for your every need.