Perle Cot cov

Perle cot produces fruits with a wonderful colour: bright orange colour with a very large red blush. The other characteristics (earliness, productivity and very good eating quality) are advantages for the fruit grower.

Tree: Medium-good vigour and spreading habit. Fructification on each type of branches.
Editor: Cot International - France (Protected variety, requiring minimum purchasing)
Flowering: Medium blossoming period.Pollinators: FLAVOR COT®, SWEET COT® or LADY COT cov.
Maturation: Medium-early. About 10 before San Castrese in Italy.
Fruit: Round shape and size from 3A to 2A. Bright orange ground colour with a very nice red blush on 50% of fruit area. Very good firmness and cracking resistance.
Taste: Sweet and juicy 13-14° Brix.